Content Marketing .
Client-Side Mitigation of Web Supply Chain Attacks
Main writer and editor.
Increasing Compliance with Regulations in Digital Banking
Co-writer and editor.
Securing Content and Intellectual Property in OTT Media Delivery
Co-writer and editor.
Protecting User Data: How to Detect and Mitigate Leaks on Your Website
Created the script and presentation. Hosted.
Source Code Protection in Hybrid Mobile Apps
Created the script and presentation. Hosted.
Lessons Learned From Securing 2 Billion E-commerce User Sessions
Created the script and presentation.
JavaScript Obfuscation: The Definitive Guide (2022)
Main writer and editor.
Insights From a Crypto Wallet Phishing Attack
Co-writer and editor.
Integrating Jscrambler with Vue.js (Docs)
Main writer and editor. Tested the code.
Product Marketing .
Virtual Bank Demo
Script writer. Recorded the demo.
OTT Security Demo
Script writer. Helped record the demo.
JavaScript Protection Demo
Script writer.
Jscrambler Client-Side Security Platform
Wrote all the copy. Helped with UI/UX.
JavaScript Protection
Wrote all the copy. Helped with UI/UX.
Webpage Inventory
Wrote all the copy. Helped with UI/UX.
Company One-Pager
Main writer and editor.
E-commerce Security Threats (Data Sheet)
Main writer and editor.
DotConnect Case Study
Main writer and editor.
PR .
Jscrambler Raises $15 Million in Series A Funding to Rewrite the Rules of Website Security
Project lead, main writer and editor.
Covered in TechCrunch.
Jscrambler and GitLab Push New Integration to Automate Source Code Protection
Project lead, main writer and editor.
There's no such thing as a trusted site anymore | TechRadar
Writer and editor.
5 things I’ve learned pitching investors during the pandemic | TNW
Writer and editor.
The Ticking Time Bomb in Every Company's Code | Dark Reading
Writer and editor.
Seven Ways To Create A Startup Culture Of Innovation | Forbes
Writer and editor.
Hack Friday -- How To Avoid Five Major Cybersecurity Risks | Forbes
Writer and editor.
Industry Reactions to New 'Trojan Source' Attack: Feedback Friday | SW
Writer and editor.